Validation of Planning Engine interface service
This table lists the validation checks and the related messages logged during the import
or export process:
Planning engine interface type | Field name | Message |
All | Planning Engine Definition | Planning Engine Definition is required for Interface service {0}. |
All | Planning Engine Type | The Planning Engine 'Type' is required for Interface service {0}. |
All | Planning Engine Primary Class (where type = Resource Master Data or Planning Data) | The Planning Engine 'Primary Class' is required for Interface service {0}. |
All | Mapping Planning Engine Field | A 'Planning Engine Field' is not specified for interface service {0} |
All | Mapping Field Label | A 'Field Label' for 'Planning Engine Field' {0} is not specified for interface service {1} |
CSV or Excel | Mapping Field Label | Unable to save Interface Service {0}. A Planning Engine mapping contains an invalid field label. An integer value equal or greater than zero is required. |
Variable | Mapping Planning Engine Field | Both Name And Value are required fields for Interface Service {0} |
Variable | Interface Direction | Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Variable. |
Calendar | Mapping Planning Engine Field | Invalid mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Calendar. Either Start and End or Start and Duration are required mappings. |
Calendar | Mapping Planning Engine Field | Invalid mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Calendar. Bucket Name is a required mapping |
Calendar | Interface Direction | Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Calendar. |
Resource Master Data | Mapping Planning Engine Field | is a Required Mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Resource Master Data |
Resource Master Data | Interface Direction | Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Resource Master Data. |
Planning Data | Mapping Planning Engine Field | is a Required Mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Planning Data and Direction = Import |
Planning Data | Mapping Planning Engine Field | Bucket is a Required Mapping for Import Interface Service {0} of type Planning Data |
Planning Data | Mapping Field Label | Unable to save Interface Service {0}. The Planning Engine mapping with field label {1} is not unique. Each field label must be unique where Direction=Export. |
Planning Data | Interface Direction | Interface service {0} contains an invalid Interface Direction. Only "Import" or "Export" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Planning Data. |
Planning Data | Mapping Field Label | The 'Field Label' of Export Constants {0} is duplicated with a 'Field Label' in Planning Engine Mapping for Interface Service {1}. |