Creating SCV Hierarchy Table links

To create SCV hierarchy table links:

  1. Select Configuration > SCV > Hierarchies > Hierarchy Table Links. The Hierarchy Table Links page is displayed.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Table Link Name
    A unique name of the table link.
    Note: You cannot modify this value after the table link is created.
    Table Name
    The name of the SCV core table to be linked to the hierarchy.
    The SCV defined hierarchy to which the table is linked.
    Link Type
    Indicates the type of Link. Possible values:
    • Column
    • Constant
    • Expression
    • Query
    Link Value

    The value for the Link Type. Possible scenarios:

    • Column: The source table column name that stores the link value.
    • Constant: The value that represents the link value as a constant.
    • Expression: A valid SQL expression for the Table Name that represents a valid value in the base level of the specified hierarchy.
    • Query: A valid SQL expression that selects the ID of the record in the source table and a valid value in the base level of the specified hierarchy.
      Note: You can verify the Query using the Verify option.
    Indicates if the hierarchy table link definition is a standard configuration.
    Note: This option is set to Off and disabled for user-defined hierarchy table links.
    Indicates the current status of the hierarchy table link.
    Note: The enabled hierarchy-table links are used by the Prepare Hierarchy Data process.
  4. Click Add. A new hierarchy table link is created after successful validation of the specified information.
    Note: You can use this page to:
    • Create a duplicate of the existing hierarchy table links and modify the parameters as required using the Duplicate option.
    • Delete hierarchy table links using the Delete option.