Import Interface Service

To import data for a selected planning engine interface:

  1. Select a planning engine from the main menu.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Select Import Interface Service from the Data Transfer list. The Import Interface Service screen is displayed.
    Note: The Import Interface Service option is displayed in the Data Transfer list if you have the required permission.
  4. Specify this information:
    Planning Engine
    The name or display name of the planning engine.
    Note: The value is displayed based on the selected planning engine and cannot be modified.
    Interface Service
    The interface services with the data entity set to Planning Engine and the direction set to Import.
    Note: The interface service selected can be an Interface service created against any Planning Engine Definition.
    Data Source Type
    The type of data source.
    Note: The value is displayed based on the selected interface and cannot be modified.
    Reject all rows if an error is found
    Indicates whether the import process must stop if an error is found. Possible values:
    • On: The import process stops upon an error, and no values are imported.
    • Off: All rows are processed, and discarded rows with an error are logged in a discard file.
    Indicates the data file to import.
    Note: This field is displayed only when the interface service is set to CSV or Excel and the data source type is set to File.
  5. Click Run.

    The data for the selected interface service is imported and the details of the Import are recorded in the Audit log. The fields mapped within the interface service are validated to ensure the fields are available within the planning engine.

    • If the selected interface service is importing Calendar or Variable data and the Reject all rows if an error is found option is not applicable, the value is processed as if True and this Warning message is displayed in the job manager:
      Reject All Rows if an error is found = false is not supported for data type {0}
    • The selected interface service does not have to use the same planning engine definition as the planning engine, which is being imported.
    • The values imported for the same key are overwritten if the import behavior is set to Overwrite. The key includes resource(s), property, and period. If multiple entries for the same key exist, the last entry is used.
    • The values imported for the same key are added if the import behavior is set to Sum.