Interface Details tab

You must specify this information on the Interface Details tab:
A unique name of the interface service.
Display Name
The name that is displayed for the interface service.
Note: If this value is not specified, the value specified in the Name field is considered.
Interface Type
Indicates the type of interface.
Note: This value is defaulted from the New Interface Service screen and cannot be modified.
Data Entity
Indicates the data entity to which the interface is mapped.
Note: This value is defaulted from the New Interface Service screen and cannot be modified.
Interface Direction
Indicates the interface direction for the interface service.
Note: This value is defaulted from the New Interface Service screen and cannot be modified.
Indicates whether the Interface Service is system defined or user defined and cannot be modified.
Note: If this option is set to On, the Interface Service is system defined.
Error on no rows
Determines the Audit log message severity if no row is imported or exported when the interface service is executed. Possible scenarios:
  • If this check box is set to Off during export, the severity is displayed as Information.
  • If this check box is set to On during export, the severity is displayed as Error.
  • If this check box is set to Off during import, the severity is displayed as a Warning.
  • If this check box is set to On during import, the severity is displayed as Error.
  • The verification for zero row is applied at the interface level. All files are considered when importing multiple files.
  • If this switch is set to On and zero rows are imported from all files in scope, an Error message is displayed, and the import process stops.
  • If this switch is set to On and zero rows are imported from some files in scope, an Error message is displayed, and the import process continues.