Layout parameters

This table lists the layout parameters applicable for the Pivot Editor report:
Field Name Default Description
rv_left1_dim Left dimensions (rows) L, M The Left dimensions on the pivot report, that must be displayed in the rows. The values can be I, IAx, L, LAx, P, M, S, and H, and each dimension is separated by a comma. The specified dimensions cannot be displayed in the 'top' dimension variable; that is, each dimension parameter value must be unique. If not defined, by default, the Locations and Measures values are used.
Note: Supersedes the use of both rv_left1_dim and rv_left2_dim to support layouts more than the 2 x 2 dimension.
rv_top1_dim Top dimensions (columns) I, P The Top dimensions on the pivot report, that must be displayed in the columns. The values can be I, IAx, L, LAx, P, M, S, or H, and each dimension is separated by a comma. The specified dimensions cannot be displayed in the 'left' dimension variable; that is, each dimension parameter value must be unique. If not defined, by default, Items and Period value is used.
Note: Supersedes the use of both rv_top1_dim and rv_top2_dim to support layouts more than the 2 x 2 dimension.
rv_column_width Column Widths 90 Specifies the width of the columns (in pixels) for the embedded pivot. Specified in the format: data_cell_width[:left_dim1_width:left_dim2_width:…:left_dimN_width] (left1, left2 dim only initially).

For example, 80:90:180 represents 80px for the data columns, 90 for the left1 dimension, 180 for the left2 dimension. A value of 90 is equal to 90px for the data columns and the default width for any dimension columns.

rv_mdx_with MDX with None The WITH clause of the MDX statement is used to build member sets that can be used in the MDX SELECT statement. If populated and enabled, the parameter value is added at the start of the worksheet MDX query (prior to the SELECT). Adds the flexibility of the MDX report to the functionality and usability of the pivot editor.
rv_filter_left Filter Left Dimensions None If this field is used with rv_filter_left_condition and rv_filter_left_value which uses optimized OLAP filtering, a single element is selected. An MDX express can be used which results an element/tuple.

If used without rv_filter_left_condition and rv_filter_left_value, an MDX expression containing dimension elements and a filter condition must be specified.

rv_filter_left_condition Filter Left Condition None Determines the corresponding optimized OLAP filter command and is used in conjunction with rv_filter_left and rv_filter_left_value, else not considered. Must be populated with >, <, = , >= or <=.
Note: rv_filter_left_value must be included when this field is defined
rv_filter_left_value Filter Left Value None
Determines the value to be applied to the filter the rows in the worksheet against the specified value. This is used only in conjunction with rv_filter_left and rv_filter_left_condition, else not considered.
Note: rv_filter_left_condition must be included when this field is defined.
rv_filter_top Filter Top Dimensions None If this field is used with rv_filter_top_condition and rv_filter_top_value which uses optimized OLAP filtering, a single element is selected. An MDX expression can be used which results an element/tuple.

If used without rv_filter_top_condition and rv_filter_top_value, an MDX expression containing dimension elements and a filter condition must be specified.

rv_filter_top_condition Filter Top Condition None Determines the corresponding optimized OLAP filter command and is used in conjunction with rv_filter_top and rv_filter_top_value, else not considered. Must be populated with >, <, =, >= or <=.
Note: rv_filter_left_value must be included when this field is defined.
rv_filter_top_value Filter Top Value None Determines the value to be applied to filter the rows in the worksheet against the specified value. This is used only in conjunction with rv_filter_top and rv_filter_top_condition, else not considered.
Note: rv_filter_top_condition must be included when this field defined.
rv_forecast_settings Forecast Settings None An XML table used to define the default forecast engine for the worksheet and the hierarchy levels, to generate the forecast. The default engine exists as a row with the name "default" (only 1 engine supported per worksheet currently). Each property for the engine is defined as a name and value pair.


  • engine: The name of the forecast engine.
  • itemlevel: The item level used to calculate the forecast. Must be at the level of the selected passed item, or a lower level. If not defined, the forecast engine settings are used.
  • locationlevel: The location level to calculate the forecast. Must be at the level of the selected passed location or a lower level. If not defined, the forecast engine settings are used.
rv_hide_zero_left Hide Zero Left Dimensions FALSE Used to determine if the left dimensions (rows), where all values are empty for the row (element combinations for all left dimensions), must be hidden. Supersedes rv_hide_zero_left2 (mapped to the new parameter for backward compatibility).
rv_hide_zero_top Hide Zero Top Dimensions FALSE Used to determine if the dimensions (columns), where all values are empty for the column (element combinations for all top dimensions), must be hidden. Supersedes rv_hide_zero_top2 (mapped to new parameter for backward compatibility).
rv_slicers_hide Hide Slicers None A comma-separated list of dimensions that must not be included in the slicer area of the worksheet. By default, all the dimensions are displayed in the slicer area. However, the user can define some dimensions that must not be displayed, if not applicable to the worksheet or to prevent a change of the selection from the worksheet. In this case, the default element is passed to the worksheet but the dimension and element are hidden in the slicer area. For example, P, S, IA2: hide periods, scenarios and item attribute 2 from the slicers area. Default = False. If not defined, all dimensions are displayed.
rv_sort_options Sort Options Hierarchized = True, Attribute = ATT1_description, Sorttype = ASC, SortOn = False. An XML table to define the process to sort dimensions in an ascending or descending order, in the hierarchy. Each dimension to sort is defined as a row within the xml table. The name of the row stores the dimension to sort and is represented by a letter I (Item), L (Location), P (Period), S (Scenario), and H (Historical Cycle Periods). Sort properties are defined as a name and value pair within each row. The measures dimension is not applicable for the sort options.


SortOn: Determines whether the dimension is sorted or not by True or False value.

Hierarchized: Determines if the dimension is displayed hierarchized such that each child level is displayed indented (True) or flat (False).
Note: The child elements of an aggregated elements can be expanded or collapsed when the dimension is hierarchized.
Sorttype: Determines whether the dimension is sorted in Ascending (ASC) or Descending (DESC) order.
  • This is applicable only when the SortOn property is set to True.
  • If the Sorttype property is not defined, the dimensions default sort is used.

See Sort Options Syntax.

rv_order_top Top Order None An mdx expression to determine the sort order of the top dimensions. This supports MDX in the Expression and Sort Type formats.

The Expression format must return numerical values which can be sorted.

The Sort Type must be one of the following types and can be used in conjunction with rv_head_top to display top or bottom x results:

  • ASC (Ascending)
  • DESC (Descending)
  • BASC (Ascending Breaking hierarchy)
  • BDESC (Descending Breaking hierarchy)
rv_order_left Left Order None

The Expression format must return numerical values which can be sorted.An mdx expression to determine the sort order of the left dimensions. This supports MDX in the Expression and Sort Type formats.

The Sort Type must be one of the following types and can be used in conjunction with rv_head_left to display top or bottom x results:

  • ASC (Ascending)
  • DESC (Descending)
  • BASC (Ascending Breaking hierarchy)
  • BDESC (Descending Breaking hierarchy)
rv_head_top Top Results None A numerical value which indicates the first x number of results to be displayed in the top dimension. If used in conjunction with rv_order_top, returns the top or bottom x results to be displayed.

This supports application variable.

rv_head_left Left Results None A numerical value which indicates the first x number of results to be displayed in the left dimension. If used in conjunction with rv_order_left, returns the top or bottom x results to be displayed.

This supports application variable.

rv_enable_replenishment Enable Replenishment Engine FALSE Determines, if the ‘Calculate Schedule’ and ‘Calculate Schedule with Options’ icons to be displayed in the worksheet. The icons are displayed only if an Engine is defined for the Cycle which is used in the worksheet.
rv_macro1_button, rv_macro2_button, rv_macro3_button, rv_macro4_button, rv_macro5_button Execute Macro button None

The name of the macro (customized) that can be executed directly using the macro option from the worksheet toolbar. If defined, the tooltip displays the macro name.

This supports all macro types.

  • hierarchized: The dimension is displayed in a hierarchy; each child level is displayed indented (TRUE) or flat (FALSE). You can expand or collapse the child elements of an aggregated element.
  • sorttype: The dimension is sorted in an ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. This is applicable only if sorton=TRUE. If not defined, the default sort option is used.