Additional Production Scheduling Roles

These roles are available to support the Production Scheduling Process:
  • Production Scheduling Modeler 

    This role is responsible for designing the plant model and the production process in Production Scheduling. The user with this role can create, modify, and remove all entities from the Factory menu in the PS desktop client.

    The Factory menu lists the options used for modeling. User can create, modify and delete the entities in the overview window displayed for each option.

    These options are displayed in the Factory menu:

    • Resources: Displays the Resources overview window.
    • Resource Groups: Displays the Resource Groups overview window.
    • Utilities: Displays the Utilities overview window.
    • Routing Constraints: Displays the Routing Constraints overview window.
    • Time Periods: Displays the Time Periods overview window.
    • Timetables: Displays the Timetables overview window.
    • Cycles: Displays the Cycles overview window.
    • Views: Displays the Views overview window.
    • Statuses: Displays the Statuses overview window.
    • Transition Matrices: Displays the Transition Matrices overview window.
    • Transition Rules: Displays the Transition Rules overview window.
    • Sequences: Displays the Sequences overview window.
    Note: This role enables the user to create, update and delete macros, interfaces, and interface groups.
  • Production Scheduling Scheduler

    This role is responsible for the day-to-day planning of the production schedule. A user with this role can perform these actions:

    • Create orders, process batches, tank batches, and downtimes.
    • Modify the schedule by dragging batches on the planning board.
    • Run scheduling operations such as splitting, joining, and distributing batches.
    • Run macros and interfaces.
  • Production Scheduling Production user

    This role is responsible for the day-to-day execution of the planned schedule and a user with this role has read-only access to the schedule. A user with this role can perform these actions:

    • Add notes to batches
    • Modify the start and end date of a selected batch
    • Modify the status of a selected batch