Demand Sensing workbench

The workbenches are used to examine the difference between the Forecast to Date and Sales to Date in the current period. You can evaluate the difference based on variance percentages and alerts.

You can use these worksheets from the top left panel of the workbench:

  • Demand Sensing Configuration: To display the number of days that demand has been loaded into the current period.
    Note: The demand sensing days can be modified, if required.
  • Demand Sensing Config Tolerance: To modify the bands for the number of standard deviations and percentage to trigger the high and low exceptions.
    Note: This value can be modified at different levels of item and location hierarchy.
  • Demand Sensing Exceptions: To display the number of exceptions created by Item hierarchy and the difference between demand and forecast.
    Note: The ‘Demand Sensing Exception Details’ and ‘Demand Sensing Details’ panels are updated when a value is selected, passing the item selection.

You can use these worksheets from the top right panel of the workbench:

  • Demand Sensing Exception Details: To display the number of exceptions created by location hierarchy and the difference between demand and forecast.
    • The ‘Demand Sensing Details’ panel is updated when a value is selected, passing the item and location selection.
    • If you click Percentage Tolerance High or Low Demand Exception or Standard Deviation High or Low Demand Exception count, a list of all items and locations with the exception is displayed based for the level as derived from these application variables:
      • dpls_demand_sensing_item_level
      • dpls_demand_sensing_location_level
  • Demand Sensing SD Details: To display the Forecast Standard Deviation and Standard Deviation over the DS horizon.
    Note: This worksheet is initially hidden. This can be loaded using panel links from the Demand Sensing Exception Details worksheet and the associated exception measure.
  • High Demand List by Percentage: To display the list of item-location combinations with a value for Percentage Tolerance High Demand Exception.
  • Low Demand List by Percentage: To display the list of item-location combinations with a value for Percentage Tolerance Low Demand Exception.
  • High Demand List by Standard Deviation: To display the list of item-location combinations with a value for Standard Deviations High Demand Exception.
  • Low Demand List by Standard Deviation: To display the list of item-location combinations with a value for Standard Deviations Low Demand Exception.

You can use these worksheets in the bottom panel of the workbench:

  • Demand Sensing Details: To display the details such as Sales to Date, Forecast to Date, Full period forecast, Variance and Variance percentage. The measures are also displayed in a bar chart.
  • Edit Forecast Filtered: To display the Sales to Date in the current period and supports modifying Forecast Units for item and location combinations based on the context selected in other panels. This worksheet is initially hidden and can be loaded using the panel links from these worksheets:
    • Demand Sensing Exceptions
    • Demand Sensing Exception Details
    • High Demand List by Percentage
    • Low Demand List by Percentage
    • High Demand List by Standard Deviation
    • Low Demand List by Standard Deviation
  • Orders: To display the Customer Orders in the current period and based on the item and location combinations selected in other panels.
    Note: This worksheet can be loaded using panel links from Demand Sensing Details.