Limitations for My Selections
These are the limitations of My Selections:
- My Selections are created only from a single hierarchy, within a selected Hierarchy context node.
- Shared My Selections are restricted to users with access to all elements of the selection,
based on the Hierarchy context.Note: Users must have security access to the Hierarchy context that is used to create My Selection.
- My Selections cannot be explicitly specified within macros.Note: My Selections can be used within a macro, only if the data context is set to the required My Selection. The %itemcontext% and %locationcontext% parameter variables must be specified within the item and location parameters of the macros.
- My Selections cannot be deleted when used within Market Intelligence events.
- My Selections cannot be explicitly specified within interface services.
- Interface services can export data based on a My Selection when it is specified in the data context, and the export is based on the current selection.
- Interface services use the internal name and not the display name of the My Selection when exporting data.
- MI Events that use Location and Item My Selections together are potentially spread to LCONST if some members within the item and location are not valid base combinations.
- The Notes Panel in the worksheet displays notes only for the My Selection if the specific selection is in the Data Context. My Selections are created as a separate hierarchy, and therefore do not belong to the standard hierarchies.
- My Selections used in Notes can be deleted.Note:
- These notes are no longer visible in the Notes Worksheet, as the selection does not exist as part of the Data Context and the Worksheet is based on the Data Context.
- These notes can only be viewed in the standalone Notes Panel.
- When creating and starting a new Cycle Period, valid My Selections in a Cycle Period can potentially be built after the Cycle Period is available. This results in potential issues when trying to access My Selections immediately after starting a cycle period.
- My Selections are updated, deleted, or added only in other cycle periods when the Cycle Period is created or when you execute Pause and Resume with Refresh options on the selected cycle periods.
- Large number of My Selections can increase processing time when cycle periods are created or rebuilt.