Overview of Fit Forecast with options

Use Fit Forecast with options to call a forecast engine. You can use this option to call a forecast engine, only if the execute generate forecast permission (for example, Execute Generate Forecasts in Demand) and the rv_forecast_settings parameter is specified for the worksheet.

The options to call the engine:

Field Name Field type Editable Required Description
Forecast Engine Drop-down list Yes Yes A list of defined forecast engines, for the module that the user or the role authorized to access the engine, used to generate forecasts.
Fit at default item and location level Checkbox (Y/N) Yes Yes Indicates whether the forecasts are generated at the default item and location level in the selected forecast engine, for the specified elements (=TRUE); or whether the value of the item and location level must be defaulted from the current worksheet context, to calculate a single forecast for the elements at the required level (=FALSE). The execute generate forecast (for example, Edit Default for Generate Forecasts in Demand) permission is required to clear the check box (FALSE). If the permission is not specified, the option is disabled.
Context Label group No No The labels generated when the forecast engine is selected:
  • Items
  • Item Level
  • Locations
  • Location Level
  • Period level
The value indicates the data context to be passed to the Generate Forecasts command. The data is defaulted from the selected forecast engine settings and the passed worksheet context. When the Fit at default item level = TRUE and the location level is defaulted from the forecast engine settings (where Fit at default item level = FALSE), the context data is used(element selections). The period level value is always defaulted from the forecast engine settings.
Note: The labels cannot be modified.
The Location and/or Item level is set to the base level as defined in the cycle for the hierarchy when the Item or Location element selection is set to a My Selection.

When the Generate Forecasts process is started, the exceptions that are generated during the forecast are displayed in a dialog box.

The parameters that are passed to the GenerateForecast command:

  • Engine Name: Selected using the Generate Forecasts dialog box.
  • Item element selection: The value is defaulted from the worksheet.
  • Location element selection: The value is defaulted from the worksheet.
  • Item Hierarchy level: The value is defaulted from the forecast engine settings (where Fit at default = TRUE); or the level of the selected item element (Fit default = FALSE).
    Note: If the Item Element Selection is a My Selection, the Item Hierarchy Level is set to the base level of the hierarchy used in the My Selection, as defined in the cycle.
  • Location Hierarchy level: The value is defaulted from the forecast engine settings (where Fit default = TRUE); or the level of the selected location element (Fit default = FALSE).
    Note: If the Location Element Selection is a My Selection, the Location Hierarchy Level is set to the base level of the hierarchy used in the My Selection, as defined in the cycle.
  • Period level: The value is defaulted from the forecast engine settings.
  • Algorithm: The value is defaulted from the forecast engine settings (if applicable).
  • Spreading Measure Code: The value is defaulted from the forecast engine settings.

Example: Select the Generate Forecasts option with the worksheet context for the Item; "All items", Location: "EMEA". If Fit at default = TRUE and the Forecast Engine = My BATS engine, then the command is GenerateForecasts("My BATS engine","","TUPLE_EXISTS","SKUs","All Items","SubRegions","EMEA","Months").