RunMapping macro

The RunMapping macro is used to run the specified mapping service for the current scenario. This macro command is executed at scenario level.

For executing the macro, the value in the Command field must be specified in this format:

RunMapping(Source Module, Mapping Name, [Source Measure Code], [From Scenario Item Hierarchy Node], [Destination Measure Code])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters that are used to determine the measures to be mapped:

Parameter Name Description
Source Module The module from which the mapping data must be copied.
Note: The source module must be defined in the 'linked to Scenario' scenario.
Mapping Name The name of the mapping service to run.
Source Measure Code The measure name for mapping.
  • If this value is not specified, all published measures for the selected module are considered.
  • The specified Source Measure must be set to Publish in the Source scenario.
From Scenario Item Hierarchy Node The hierarchy node from which the items or measures must be mapped.
Note: If this value is not specified, all items in the Source scenario are considered.
Destination Measure Code The measure in the Destination scenario to which the mapping data must be copied.
  • If this value is not specified, Source Measure Code (excluding MI, Transactional Data measures) are considered.
  • The specified Destination Measure must be set to Subscribe in the Destination scenario.

This table lists the examples of the RunMapping macro:

Requirement Syntax
Map from the Finance module using Budgets to Demand mapping for all measures which are published in Finance module and Subscribed in the Demand module (excluding MI, Transaction Data or Order measures) for all items. RunMapping("Finance","Budgets to Demand","","","")
Map the FREV measure from the Finance module using Budgets to Demand mapping for all items. RunMapping("Finance","Budgets to Demand","FREV","","")