Creating a resource group

  1. Select Factory > Resource Groups. The Resource Groups overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New. The New Resource Group window is displayed.
  3. Specify a unique code for the new group.
  4. Select the resource group type from the list in the category field to define the way a resource group can be used. This populates the category field on the entry window.
  5. Click OK. The Resource Group Entry window is displayed wherein you can configure the details of the resource group you require to create.
  6. Click the General tab to specify the details related to resources associated with a resource group.
  7. Click the Resource claim tab to claim for resources associated with a resource group.
  8. Click the Utility claim tab to claim utility for resources associated with a resource group.
  9. Click OK to save the changes and close the window. Alternatively, continue specifying the values on the tabs of the window.