Use case
Two planners are viewing the schedule.
To alleviate a potential conflict, one planner defers a production order and saves the changes.
The other planner updates the schedule, and the deferred production is displayed.
Example: Planner A works on long-term scheduling and Planner B works on short-term scheduling.
Planner A locks the master data model and performs long-term changes:
- Entering orders and due dates
- Evaluating capacity limitations
- Material planning, managing labor schedules and machine constraints
Planner A releases the lock.
Planner B locks the master data model and performs short-term changes:
- Batch sequencing and CIP scheduling
- Cost optimization
- Batch scheduling to ensure on-time delivery
Planner B releases the lock.
Example: Planner A works on scheduling brewing processes while planner B works on the packaging processes in a plant.
Inflow materials, by-products, resources, and labor for brewing processes and packaging processes are independent of one another.
Planner A performs changes to production tanks, batches, and resources. Planner A finishes performing the changes before planner B and saves the schedule to the master data model.
Planner B simultaneously works on the schedule. Planner B performs changes that pertain to the packaging batches and resources. Planner B ensures that the concurrent changes of Planner A do not affect the work of Planner B.