Resource groups tab

  1. Click Select to add or remove a group. The Resource Selection window is displayed.
    Note: You can create multiple groups available by creating new resource groups and adding the groups to the stage to which the step is associated.
  2. Double-click on the resource group to view the resources in a resource group. The resources are listed in the group.
    Note: You can double-click on the resource group to hide the resources.
  3. Double-click on the second column in the row for the appropriate resource if you require to modify details in the group that is used as the default.
    Note: An asterisk indicates that the default group.
  4. Use the defaults column to indicate if resources in the group must use the rates and durations defined for the resource group. To override a default, clear the check mark in the default column, corresponding to the resource group. Specify the new values.
    Note: The resources for which the default flag is selected are updated automatically if you modify the values at the resource group level.
  5. Select the default column again to reset the default values (all resource rates and durations) to the values specified for the resource group.
  6. Click the entries while pressing and holding the Alt key to move between the rates and fixed durations.
    Note: The standard quantity displayed for tank groups is used to create inflow and distribute tank batches. Minimum standing time and maximum rate are used to calculate tank batch characteristics. If the maximum duration of a tank batch is exceeded, a warning icon is displayed in the batch of the planning board.