Shared data model

You can access these files when you start Infor Production Scheduling. These are the possible scenarios:

  • You can open the master data model.

    The working copy is created when you open the master data model. By default, the changes are automatically saved to the working copy. From the Database tab of the Preferences window, you can modify the automatic save and update intervals. Use the Sharing menu to update the working copy from the master data model and save the copy to the master data model.

  • You can open a published version.
  • You can open a local data file if you have not opened a shared data model.

    In this case, the Setup Wizard is displayed. The Setup Wizard allows you to upload the data file to the data vault.

In the model name field of the System Login window, select the version that you require to open.

The master data model is the authoritative source of data. This model is in the data vault. These are the versions of master data model:

  • Published versions

    A published version is a copy of the data model that cannot be modified. This version is in the data vault. For example, planners can use a published version to distribute the final version of the schedule.

  • Working copies

    Each user has a work-in-progress copy of the master data model. This copy is in the data vault. Changes are automatically saved to the working copy. The user can manually save changes to the master data model.

  • Local data file

    This file is automatically copied from the working copy to the local machine of a user. The changes made by the user are regularly copied from the local data file to the working copy in the data vault.

User roles apply to all data models. You are authorized to perform specific functions based on the user role:

  • Configure collaborative scheduling
  • View or modify master data or scheduling data