Creating an end item

The standard means of creating an end item is to create a process step in an end stage. This automatically generates an end item with the same code as the end-product. Else, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select Products > End Items. The End Items overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New. The New End Item window is displayed.
    Optionally, click on an end item to select it. You can click the Duplicate option to create a new end item for an end product that has already been assigned one or more end items. The relationship linked to the end product is copied automatically.
  3. Specify a unique code for the end item.
  4. Click OK. The End Item Entry window is displayed. The General tab is selected by default wherein you can specify the basic information related to the end item.
  5. Click the Custom fields tab. The Custom fields are used to distinguish orders for the same end products. You can specify values in the fields in the Preferences.
  6. Specify the required values in Custom fields.
  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the window. Optionally, continue specifying the values on the tabs of the window.