Format tab for ASCII
Specify the physical location of the interface file.
- The location can be the local disk or a server on your network.
- You can specify the path or click the Folder option to select a file. The first time you run a write interface, an ASCII file is created at this location.
This table shows the variables in the interface paths:
Variable name Description %Version Infor Production Scheduling version Example: 5.4.01/
%Build Infor Production Scheduling build number %UserAsFolder Infor Production Scheduling user folder For example: C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Infor\Production Scheduling\
%DesktopFolder Desktop folder For example: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop
%DataFileFolder Folder where the data file is located %Company Name The company name specified in Global Preferences %Plant Name The plant name specified in Global Preferences %Model Name The model name specified in Global Preferences %Start Workarea The date and time when the work area starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. %End Workarea The date and time when the work area concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. %Start Horizon The date and time when the horizon starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. %End Horizon The date and time when the horizon concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. %Current Time The current date and time using the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. - Select the fixed length line option, if required. Alternatively, select column separator and specify the ASCII code for the character you require to use in the box to the right.
- Use the line separator field to indicate the line separator or document type. You can set the default in your preferences.