Format tab for ASCII

  1. Specify the physical location of the interface file.
    • The location can be the local disk or a server on your network.
    • You can specify the path or click the Folder option to select a file. The first time you run a write interface, an ASCII file is created at this location.

    This table shows the variables in the interface paths:

    Variable name Description
    %Version Infor Production Scheduling version

    Example: 5.4.01/

    %Build Infor Production Scheduling build number
    %UserAsFolder Infor Production Scheduling user folder

    For example: C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\Infor\Production Scheduling\

    %DesktopFolder Desktop folder

    For example: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop

    %DataFileFolder Folder where the data file is located
    %Company Name The company name specified in Global Preferences
    %Plant Name The plant name specified in Global Preferences
    %Model Name The model name specified in Global Preferences
    %Start Workarea The date and time when the work area starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
    %End Workarea The date and time when the work area concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
    %Start Horizon The date and time when the horizon starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
    %End Horizon The date and time when the horizon concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
    %Current Time The current date and time using the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
  2. Select the fixed length line option, if required. Alternatively, select column separator and specify the ASCII code for the character you require to use in the box to the right.
  3. Use the line separator field to indicate the line separator or document type. You can set the default in your preferences.