Pre-command and post-command on interfaces

When creating an interface or an interface group, you can specify pre-commands and post-commands on the General tab of the Interface Entry or Interface Group Entry window. This command can be specified when you are creating an ASCII or ODBC interface.

Pre-commands and post-commands can be executed before or after the interface or interface group is executed. Examples of these commands can include launching another application, executing some OS command, and running a batch file. You can also specify a command for copying, moving or deleting files before the group is executed, and so on.

A command window is displayed after clicking the Add option. You can specify the command or use the Browse function to search for the command. The text box allows normal text manipulations. The Browse allows searching for specific files and ensure that the path to the command can be interpreted by the Windows command prompt. This function replaces the existing content of the text box after selecting the command. After a command is specified, a parameter can be added.

This table shows the variables that can be used in the pre-commands and post-commands:
Variable name Description
%Version Infor Production Scheduling version

Example: 5.4.01

%Build Infor Production Scheduling build number
%UserAsFolder Infor Production Scheduling user folder

Example: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\Infor\Production Scheduling\

%DesktopFolder Desktop folder

Example: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Desktop

%DataFileFolder Folder where the data file is located
%Company Name The company name specified in Global Preferences
%Plant Name The plant name specified in Global Preferences
%Model Name The model name specified in Global Preferences
%Start Workarea The date and time when the work area starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
%End Workarea The date and time when the work area concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
%Start Horizon The date and time when the horizon starts. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
%End Horizon The date and time when the horizon concludes. The format used to specify the date and time is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
%Current Time The current date and time using the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
Note: These pre-commands and post-commands are different from the pre-commands and post-commands on the Format tab of Interface entry if using Oracle or ODBC.