Defining a routing constraint

  1. Select Factory > Routing Constraints. The Routing Constraints overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Routing Constraint Entry window is displayed.
  3. Specify a description for the new constraint.
  4. Select the from and to resource or resource group by clicking the Select option. The Select a resource (group) window is displayed.
  5. Select the resource or resource group.
  6. Click OK.
    Note: The resources and resource groups are available in a tree structure. You can select from one of the three main hierarchies in the tree branches (resources, resource groups, and stages). You can click Plus to display the underlying branch and click Minus to collapse the selected branch. To select a resource or resource group, you must select the resource or resource group and click OK, or double-click the text. The Select a resource (group) window closes and the selected resource (group) is displayed in the from or to field in the Routing Constraints Entry window.
  7. Clicking the appropriate option corresponding to the route field to indicate whether a route is allowed or not allowed.
  8. Click the appropriate option corresponding to the connection field to indicate whether a connection is direct or indirect.
  9. Click OK to save the routing constraints and close the window.