Create inflow overview

The create inflow functionality is used to schedule process batches using settings defined in a stage. You can also use the functionality to create the batches required for completing an order or a batch with the status set to Work-In-Progress.

The create inflow and the create outflow functionality are similar in appearance and the process in which the functionality works. However, create inflow supports a backward or pull scheduling strategy, and create outflow supports a forward or push scheduling strategy.

You can create:

  • Just-in-time and product batches to meet the demand for coupled inflow from orders.
  • Just-in-time process and tank batches to meet the demand for coupled inflow and process batches.

Process batch constraints are separate from tank batch constraints. You can specify constraints that are based on the type of process. For example, you can allow Joining on a process batch, however not on a tank batch.

When creating a process step, you can set constraints to limit inflow for a maximum of one batch, tank or process. For example, surplus is not allowed for process batches. However, due to increments and minimum quantities, you must produce more in the process. In this case, the surplus is automatically pushed to the tank if surplus is allowed for tank batches.

For example, surplus is not allowed for process batches. However, due to increments and minimum quantities, you must produce more in the process. In this case, the surplus is automatically pushed to the tank, if surplus is allowed there but not for the process.

The new connection constraints are checked for violations when running these scheduling functions:

  • check schedule
  • Connect batches
  • Split
  • Join
  • Distribute tank batches
  • Distribute tank flow