ILog solver

The ILog solver enables you to create and run solvers. You can also create and run macros with solver actions. This is an optional functionality that is licensed separately in Infor Production Scheduling.

A solver can be used to find an optimal solution for the scheduling situation.

You can view a progress bar at the bottom of the screen when the solver is running. To view the real time data, click the Information icon.

This message is displayed when a schedule is not feasible and is detected before the search phase starts:

Restarting, some inconsistencies were detected

The solver starts again; adding all the constraints of all batches to the model and printing the constraint that is violated. This identifies the reason for the schedule is not being feasible, although the constraint that fails is not the root cause of the problem. There are some restrictions on buffer tanks when working with the solver.

Remote solving works from one computer to another if both computers are using Windows XP and the user has administrator group access on the remote solver machine.

The solver enables you to schedule a network of batches and offers control over solver strategy and constraints.

You cannot define solver settings at the stage level or use the solver from inflow creation. To use this functionality, you must create a macro.