Edit options

You can use these options from the Edit menu:

  • Undo

    To revert scheduling actions and return to a prior version of the schedule as if the function has not been performed yet. You can step back through more than one action based on the limit defined in the preferences. If a scheduling function cannot be reversed, this option is disabled. If there is a function that can be undone, the action is displayed in the menu.

  • Redo

    To reschedule a scheduling activity that has been undone, thus canceling the undo function. This option is disabled, if there is no action to redo. If there is an action to redo, the action is displayed in the menu. The redo scheduling action is enabled after the Undo action is performed until a new scheduling action is executed.

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, and Select All

    To copy the text contents from one field to another. You can also use the Clear option to remove the text content that is not required. These options are applicable only to text object fields.

  • Show Clipboard

    To display the Clipboard windows. You can copy these fields from the user interface to the clipboard:

    Window Field
    Any Entity Entry Left header (code)
    Any Entity Entry Right header (description)
    Product Entry Default consumption step
    Product Entry Default production step
    Messages All messages