Creating a status

  1. Select Factory > Statuses. The Statuses overview window is displayed.
  2. Click New. The New Status window is displayed.
  3. Specify a unique status code.
  4. Click OK. The Status Entry window is displayed.
  5. Specify a description for the status if you require.
  6. Select the Show in menu item check box if you require the status to be displayed on the Batches menu.
  7. Set the field corresponding to the Show in Menu check box to overwrite status or update status attributes to display this status in Batches menu and in the process batches, tank batches, order, and downtime entry windows, indicating whether the name of the status of the selected batches or orders must be updated. If the name of the status is modified, this locks the status attributes, changes these to non-modifiable in the batch entry window.
    If a status is the overwrite status and requires a weak outflow constraint, and is applied to a coupled or end stage process or tank batch or order that cannot have a weak outflow constraint, none of the status attributes are updated. If a status of update status attributes is applied to a batch or order, all status attributes that are not locked by the current status name are updated. All status attributes which are locked by the current status name of the batch or order cannot be modified and locked. In both cases, a warning message is displayed.
  8. Specify a single-character symbol in the symbol field. This is user defined and can be a character. This value is displayed in front of the relevant status in the overview window and in front of a selected batch or order in the relevant overview window.
  9. Set the status attributes to Yes, No, or - (none) from the list next to each attribute. If the status attribute is set to Yes, you can change the setup and changeover in the planning board.
  10. Click OK to save the status and return to the overview window.