Batch segments

A batch segment is part of a batch. Outflow and inflow (to and from other batches) are two principal segments for which the batches exist. The start time, end time, the quantity, and the capacity are displayed for each segment. The start time and end time of the principal segment determine the time link between the coupled batches. The start time of the outflow segment of a process batch and the inflow segment of the subsequent tank batch is same. The batch segment details default, including the basic batch color. These details are specified when creating a process step. However, the details of individual batches can be modified in the Tank and Process Batch Entry windows. The color code used to distinguish batch segments from one segment to the other cannot be modified.

You can stretch the duration of a batch by pressing the Ctrl key and resting the pointer at the end of the batch on the planning board. You can click and drag to stretch the duration when the view of cursor changes. This feature is used for manipulation of setup, changeover, and slack or waiting period. The results are based on the method of the batch. In some cases, there is no impact as the main segment considers the flow segments of coupled batches.