Collaborative scheduling

The collaborative scheduling enables you to schedule concurrently, share data models, specify permission levels, and view schedules.

The configuration must be performed by a user with the Administrator role.

Microsoft SQL Server must be installed and compatible with the Infor Production Scheduling version. See the Infor Supply Chain Planning products Hardware and Software Requirements guide.

You can configure the automatic save and update intervals of the working copy from the Database tab of the Preferences window, if required.

From the Sharing menu, you can perform these operations:

  • Lock the master data model
  • Update the working copy from the master data model
  • Save the changes to the master data model
  • Discard the changes and update the working copy
  • Publish a read-only version

In case of conflicting schedules, the Messages window displays an error message. The data conflict check includes process batches, tank batches, orders, master data, flows, and sequence rules. Except for global preferences, user preferences, and global settings, all data changes can raise a conflict. For example, the work area is modified.