Additional navigation features

You can use these navigation features on the overview windows:

  • The Select list, if available in an overview window, enables you to select one of the sets you have created, using the Search option.
  • The Date Range check box, if available in an overview window, enables you to limit the search within a specific date range. If the Date Range check box is clear, all records are selected and displayed. To limit the search by dates, select the Date Range check box and the appropriate dates. If the results returned are limited by dates, the header of the window displays the number of results returned and the total number of results as well as the date range. Use the date bar to shift back one week, shift back one day, move to today, move forward one day, and move forward one week by selecting the appropriate section of the date bar. You can reset the date when you click the option between the two date bars.

You can print specific or all records displayed in the overview window, by selecting the Print option from the File menu to print specific or all records displayed in the overview window. The information is combined in one report, you are required to adjust the page settings to fit information on one page. Large transition matrices (>20 x 20) create problems. Print windows are based on the printer.

You can save data to a text file (tab-separated) by pressing and holding the Alt key and selecting the Print option from the File menu. This is useful if you require using report information in a spreadsheet or word processor.

You can select a record in the overview by selecting the record. You can press the Shift key and select the record that enables you select continuously, while pressing the Ctrl key and clicking enables you to add or remove individual records to or from the selection.

You can sequence records in ascending order by clicking in the column header for the column that you require to sort. To sort a different column, click the column header for that column. Use Ctrl + click to use a second sort criterion or Alt + Ctrl + click to descend a sort on a second criterion.

Note: You cannot modify data in an overview window. Double-click a record to open the entry window and make changes there.