Enabling resource group

The Enabling Resource groups are groups of resources that are considered as choice groups, that is, a group in which you can choose one resource or the other. Batches are allocated to a single resource from the group. Enabling resource groups do not produce independently. However, it supports the main resources to perform. Enabling batches are displayed on the planning board.

You can use these tabs in the Resource Group Entry window:

  • General

    To identify key properties for the group as well as the resources to be included in the group.

  • Resource Claim

    To define the resources that must be allocated when a resource from the group is allocated to a process or tank batch.

  • Utility Claim

    To claims for utilities. The utility claim cannot exceed the maximum claim or be lower than the minimum claim. It can be zero (0.00) - which is used to indicate that the utility is not required during that batch segment. When the main process or tank batch is created, the actual claim for the utility is created as well. The usage pattern of utilities can be represented in the planning board by a utility requirement graph.

  • Custom fields

    To specify the value for the custom field.