What's New (new features)

This update includes enhancements to the SCP Platform and Integration, Demand Planning, Supply Planning, and Production Scheduling.

SCP Platform and Integration

LN and DP integration scope extended
The data scope is extended to include generic items in forecasting and to import item supersession data from Infor LN.
SCP and M3 integration performance improved
The utilization of parallel imports from M3 is improved. Consequently, the re-validation of BOI XML definitions is not performed.

Demand Planning

Demand Sensing at aggregated levels
Demand Sensing can now be performed at three new aggregated hierarchy levels.

Supply Planning

Ability to attach notes to the Planning Engine
You can now attach notes to the Planning Engine which improves the user collaboration.
Planning Engine performance improved
Usability is improved when reviewing the plan.

Production Scheduling

Ability to modify details in Gantt chart view
You can now modify the details of a Process Batch, such as Batch Status, Start Inflow, End Outflow, and Notes (remarks).
Split batches over multiple resources
You can now specify the efficiency per resource, and select more batches to increase the productivity of the plant.