Load templates

This table lists the templates required for each integration and the order in which the templates must be loaded:
Template Application Required On Premises only
base.zip Base platform for application configuration Yes.

Must be loaded first. Further templates are added to the base configuration

base for M3.zip Base platform for M3 Yes, if integrated with M3 No
Base for LN.zip Base platform for LN Yes, if integrate with LN No
xpress.zip Integrated Business Planning Optional No
dpls.zip Demand Planning Optional No
dpls for M3.zip Demand Planning

Yes, if Demand Planning is integrated with M3.

dpls.zip must be loaded first and next dpls for M3.ZIP.

spls.zip Supply Planning Optional No
Apsco folder Advanced Planning and SCO for Supply Planning

Yes, if APSCO standalone is integrated with SCV.

Not required, if using Supply Planning with Optimization. The template contains the data file for the APSCO data source.

production- schedulling.zip Production Scheduling Optional No
Apsco.zip Supply Chain Optimization Optional, when integrated with Planning Engines. No
ForecastConsumption.zip Forecast Consumption Optional, when integrated with Planning Engines. No
  • Ensure that you are assigned to the required roles by an administrator for the module(s) that has been loaded.
  • At least one SCP application must be configured with the base.zip file.