Inventory Planning

You must have a Demand cycle period with the completed status. The Demand cycle is generally located at the same or at a lesser base periodicity of the Inventory cycle.

  1. Complete the Demand Planning cycle previously created in the above steps by executing the Demand - complete the cycle period (PW) macro, if running the Demand (PW) cycle period.
    Note: If the Demand Planning cycle is created at a different periodicity, select the appropriate macro. For example, Weekly periodicity, execute the Demand - complete the cycle period (W) macro.
  2. Execute the Inventory - System Macro (M) to initialize the system and create a Cycle Period macro to create an Inventory business cycle with periodicity of Months.
    Note: To create cycles with different periodicities, select the appropriate alternative macro. For example, Weekly periodicity, execute the Inventory - System Macro (W) to initialize the system and create a Cycle Period macro.