Macro commands for a cycle period

The commands that can be used in macros, at a cycle period level. The parameters specified in brackets are optional.

Command Parameters Description Examples
AddCyclePeriodNote Note Type, Severity, Summary, Detail, [Not Used], [Not Used] Add a cycle period note for the specified log-type note.
Note: Editing Freeform Notes using macros is currently not supported.
  • To add an Overview log note type with priority = Low with detail: AddCyclePeriodNote ("Overview","Information","Approval status","Confirming the approval process with the team")
  • To add an Overview log note type with priority = Low and posting to Ming.le group "planners": AddCyclePeriodNote("Overview","Low","Approval status", "Confirming the approval process with the team","","").
  • To add an Overview log note type with priority = High and posting to the executing user's Ming.le feed: AddCyclePeriodNote("Overview","Low","Approval status", "Confirming the approval process with the team","","").
CopyScenario Name, Source Scenario Name, Module, [workflow], [status]
  • Name (copied scenario) must be unique for the selected module.
  • Null workflow = use the source scenario workflow.
  • Null status = default to WIP.
Copy the measure data from one scenario to another within the same cycle, period, module.
  • CopyScenario ("Upside","Baseline","Demand","","")
  • CopyScenario ("Extra Shift","Baseline","Supply","Supply Scenario","")
  • CopyScenario ("New Baseline","Baseline","Integrated","Integrated Scenario","Review")
CreateScenario Name, Module, Workflow, [linked to scenario], [initialization macro], [users], [roles]
  • Null [linked to scenario] = no link.
Create a new scenario and (optionally) link the same to the previously created scenarios. You can initialize the new scenario using a scenario macro.
  • CreateScenario ("New Budget","Finance","Finance Scenario","","","amy","","")

    Create scenario "New Budget" in the Finance module with the assigned "Finance Scenario" process. Access to the newly created scenario is granted to the user "amy".

  • CreateScenario ("Extra Shift","Supply","Supply Scenario","D-Upside","","","SupplyAdmin")

    Create scenario "Extra Shift" in the Supply module with the assigned "Supply Scenario" process, linking the existing scenario "D-Upside" in the Demand module. Access to the newly created scenario is granted to the SupplyAdmin role.

  • CreateScenario ("Final Plan","Integrated","Integrated Scenario","S-Upside","Init Integrated Scenario", "sopadmin","IntegratedAdmin, ProcessAdmin")

    Create a scenario "Final Plan" in the Integrated module with the assigned "Integrated Scenario" process, linking the existing "S-Upside" scenario in the Supply module and initializing the process with the "Init Integrated Scenario" macro to populate the data. Access is granted to the user "sopadmin" and the IntegratedAdmin and ProcessAdmin roles.

RunCommand Data Source, Command text Run a command against a data source. Supports ITK commands for the cycle period level that are not specific to the context of a scenario, that is, cycle period or static data. RunCommand ("ITK Data Source","Transfer_Static_Data_Inbox_To_Core" )
RunScenarioMacro Macro, Module, Scenario Run a scenario macro while passing through the cycle, period and scenario names.
  • RunScenarioMacro ("InitFinanceScenario","Finance","Baseline")
  • RunScenarioMacro ("InitDemandScenario","Demand","Baseline")
  • RunScenarioMacro ("InitSupplyScenario","Supply","Baseline")
CopyCyclePeriodData Source Cycle, Source Cycle Period, Source Scenario Name, Source Item Level, Source Location Level, Source Calendar Level, [Source Measure Code], [Item Hierarchy Node], [Location Hierarchy Node], [Period label], [Destination Measure Code], [Aggregation] Copy measure data between scenarios in different Cycle Periods for the current module. Supports copying values from a scenario in a different cycle. When copying a source level, that is, the level to store scenario values without a node parameter selection, the 'const' element for the dimension is included and the scenario values of the specified measures for the elements are copied.
  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","May11","Demand-Baseline","SKUs","Locations","Weeks","","","","","","")

    Copy all the valid measures from the Normal May11 cycle period, in the Demand-Baseline module, at the "SKUs, "Locations", "Weeks" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for all items, at all locations, for the cycle period horizon. This includes the iconst, lconst, and pconst values as the SKUs, Locations, and Weeks are base levels for the source and parameter filters do not exist.

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Weeks","BREV","","","")

    Copy the BREV measure from the currently running cycle period, in the Finance-Baseline module, for the Normal period at the "Groups", "Regions", "Weeks" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for all items, at all locations, for the cycle period horizon.

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Weeks","","GOO","","","")

    Copy all valid measures from the currently running cycle period, in the Finance-Baseline module, for the Normal period at the"Groups", "Regions", "Weeks" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for GOO items, at all locations, for the cycle period horizon. This includes the pconst values as Weeks is the base level for the source and the parameter filter does not exist.

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Strategic","Q1 11","Demand-Baseline","SKUs","Locations","Months","","","","FY 10","")

    Copy all valid measures of Strategic Q1 11 cycle period, in the Demand-Baseline module, at the "SKUs", "Locations", "Months" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for all items, at all locations, for all months in the "FY 10" calendar period. This includes iconst and lconst values as SKUs and Locations are base levels for the source and parameter filters do not exist.

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Strategic","Q1 11","Demand-Baseline","SKUs","Locations","Months","","","","FY 10","")

    Copy the BREV measure from the Normal Apr11 cycle period, in the Finance-Baseline module, at the "Groups", "Regions", "Months" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for GOO items at US locations for all months in the "FY 10" calendar period. Monthly values are calculated based on the number of weeks (assuming that a weekly calendar level is used to store scenario values for the source cycle period, as in previous examples).

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","Apr11","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BREV","GOO","US","FY 10","FREV")

    Copy the BREV measure from the Normal Apr11 cycle period, in the Finance-Baseline module, at the "Groups", "Regions", "Months" hierarchy levels to the FREV measure for the current scenario for GOO items at US locations for all months in the "FY 10" calendar period. Monthly values are calculated based on the number of weeks (assuming that a weekly calendar level is used to store scenario values for the source cycle period, as in previous examples).

  • CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BSELL","","","","","Average")CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BSELL","","","","","Average")

    Copy the BSELL measure from the currently running cycle period, in the Finance-Baseline module, for the Normal period at the "Groups", "Regions", "Months" hierarchy levels to the current scenario for all items and locations. Monthly values are averaged based on the weeks (assuming that a weekly calendar level is used to store scenario values for the source cycle period, as in previous examples).