CreateScenario macro

The CreateScenario macro is used to create the specified Scenario and run the initialisation macro, if specified. This macro is executed at cycle period level.

For executing the macro, the value in the Command field must be specified in this format:

CreateScenario(Name, Module, Workflow, [linked to scenario], [initialisation macro], [users], [roles])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters that are used to determine the scenario to be created:

Parameter Name Description
Name The name of the scenario to be created.
Module The module in which the scenario to be created.
Workflow The process assigned to the scenario.
Linked to scenario The scenario to which the new scenario to be linked.
Note: If the value is not specified, the existing scenario is not linked to the new scenario.
Initialisation macro The macro to be run when the scenario is created.
Note: If the value is not specified, the initialisation macro is not run.
Users The name of the users who can access the scenario.
  • Multiple users can be specified in the “UserA”, “UserB” format.
  • At least one valid user or role must be specified to access to the scenario.
Roles The user roles who can access the scenario.
  • Multiple roles can be specified in the “Role1”, “Role2” format.
  • At least one valid user or role must be specified to access to the scenario.

This table lists the examples of the CreateScenario macro:

Requirement Syntax
Create scenario "New Budget" in the Finance module with assigned process "Finance Scenario". Access to the newly created scenario is assigned to user "amy" CreateScenario("New Budget","Finance","Finance Scenario","","","amy","").
Create scenario "Extra Shift" in the Supply module with assigned process "Supply Scenario", linking to the existing scenario "D-Upside" in the demand module. Access to the newly created scenario is assigned to SupplyAdmin role. CreateScenario("Extra Shift","Supply","Supply Scenario","D-Upside","","","SupplyAdmin").
Create scenario "Final Plan" in the Integrated module with assigned process "Integrated Scenario", linking to the existing scenario "S-Upside" in the supply module and initialise with the macro "Init Integrated Scenario" to populate data. Access is assigned to user "sopadmin" and roles IntegratedAdmin and ProcessAdmin. CreateScenario("Final Plan","Integrated","Integrated Scenario","S-Upside","Init Integrated Scenario","sopadmin","IntegratedAdmin, ProcessAdmin").