Configuring Planning Engine Definition

  1. Select Configuration > Planning Engines > Planning Engine Definitions. The list of planning engines that are already defined with their status is displayed.
    Note: The status indicates if the Planning Engine Definition is valid. Possible values:
    • Ready
    • Invalid
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information in the Details tab:
    A unique name for the planning engine definition.
    Display Name
    The name to be displayed for the planning engine definition.
    The roles authorized to access the planning engine definition.
    Note: At least one user or role must be assigned to the planning engine definition.
    The tags linked to the planning engine definition.
  4. Specify the classes definition in the Classes tab using Infor Advanced Planning (AP) syntax.

    For more details, see Classes tab .

  5. Click the Optimizations tab. This tab lists the optimizations defined for the planning engine definition.
  6. Add a new Optimization to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Optimization tab.
  7. Click the Workflows tab. This tab lists the workflows defined for the planning engine definition.
  8. Add a new Workflow to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Workflows tab.
  9. Click the Variables tab. This tab lists the variables defined for the planning engine definition.
  10. Add a new Variable to the planning engine definition, if required. See,Variables tab.
  11. Click the Queries tab. This tab lists the queries defined for the planning engine definition.
  12. Add a new Query to the planning engine definition, if required. See, Queries tab.
  13. Click Save. The Planning Engine Definition is saved after successful validation of the specified information and the status of the Planning Engine is set to Ready.
    Note: If validation fails, this error message is displayed:
    {{Invalid Planning Engine Definition. {errors}
    Do you want to save the Planning Engine Definition as Invalid? }} 
    "{errors}" indicates the list of validation errors. See Validation.
    1. Click Ok. The Planning Engine Definition is saved, and the status is set to Invalid.
    • The Check Optimization field in the Classes tab is updated with the list of optimizations defined within the planning engine definition after the Planning Engine Definition is saved successfully. If the previously selected optimization does not exist, the optimization name is removed from the list.
    • If an optimization has been selected in the Check Optimization field:
      • The optimization check is carried out and the definition is updated with the appropriate syntax highlighting.
      • The error messages generated from the optimization check are displayed in the Optimization Check Results tab.
    • If an optimization has not been selected in the Check Optimization field:
      • The optimization check is not performed and the definition displays in plain text only.
      • The Optimization Check Results tab does not display any message.
When you load a planning engine definition template (XML or ZIP) and all the mandatory fields are not specified, the loading of template is failed, and a typical error message is displayed:
Cannot save Planning Engine Definition with ‘name’ {0}. ‘Name’ is not specified. 
You must add the missing information and reload the template.
Note: You can also use the Planning Engine Definition page to:
  • Create a duplicate of the existing planning engine definition and modify the parameters as required using the Duplicate option.
  • Delete planning engine definition using the Delete option.
  • Import an AP11 Planning Engine Definition. See Template Migration.