RunInterfaceService (Import) at scenario level
The RunInterfaceService macro is used to run an interface service that imports plan data
for the current scenario. This macro is executed at scenario level.
For executing the macro, the value for the Command field must be specified in this format:
RunInterfaceService(Interface Service Name, Direction, [Reject all on error], [Not Used], [Data Source]).
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].
This table lists the parameters used to execute the RunInterfaceService (Import) macro:
Parameter name | Description |
Interface Service Name | The name of the interface service that is run. |
Direction | The direction of the data flow. This value must be set to ‘Import’. |
Reject all on error | Indicates the import process is aborted, if error occurs. Note: This
parameter is applicable only if Direction is set to Import.
Data Source | An alternate data source for executing the Interface Service. Note: The type of the data source must be same as defined in the
Interface Service.
This table lists the examples of the RunInterfaceService macro:
Requirement | Syntax |
Import all items at all locations from the current planning period for the cycle period horizon. | RunInterfaceService("Import My Forecast","Import",””,””) |
Import all items at all locations from the current planning period for the cycle period horizon. If error occurs, reject all imported records. | RunInterfaceService("Import My Forecast","Import","True",””,””) |
Import all items at all locations from the current planning period for the cycle period horizon, from the Master SCV data source. | RunInterfaceService("Import My Forecast","Import","",””,"Master SCV","") |