Infor Go (mobile) is GA
Infor Go is supported by iOS and Android devices. Users can download the application from the associated app store and authorize the application with the tenant by scanning the QR code from ION API Apps & Authorizations in Infor OS. Infor Go uses Infor Federated Services (IFS) for centralized authentication, providing the same level of access for web and mobile versions.
With Infor Go, customers can fulfill enterprise business requirements whilst on the move. Users can navigate across applications and the required screens and review the Infor Ming.le profiles. Users can opt for receiving push notifications to keep up to date with tasks, alerts, and notifications.
The SCP platform adds these enhancements for Infor Go:
- Audit log dashboard
- My Jobs
- SCV Datasheets
- Show in Mobile
Audit log dashboard is a summary or KPI view of the audit log, with preconfigured searches on several key business functions:
- Macros
- Supply Planning (processes related to the Supply Planning data source used in optimization)
- SCV Jobs
The searches provide a count of messages with the Warning or Critical status in the past 24 hours. When you select a KPI with a positive count value, the list of audit log entries matching that criteria with a shortcut to the associated log file containing additional details are displayed. This provides easy access to the most current information and allows a system or process administrator to review or alert against a key business processes that are completed with a status Critical or Warning.
My Jobs when accessed from Infor Go provide a mobile-friendly summary of active jobs for the current user.
When a job is selected in the list an option is enabled to drill-in to job details. Users can review any completed or running steps of that process, like the desktop version. This allows a system or process administrator to check current progress and the status of key business processes.
SCV Datasheets display in a form view within Infor Go, as opposed to a data grid, with each record displayed as a card where columns of the datasheet display as properties. The user can select the number of records per page. Options are available to Sort the data in the sheet, Filter on a field and personalize the fields displayed in each card.
Show in Mobile is a new option added to several entities related to plan visualization, such as Worksheets, Plansheets, (Production Scheduling) Reports, and SCV Datasheets.
When the option is set to On, the sheet or report is accessible within Infor Go for users with the required permissions and authorization through roles. When the option is set to Off, the report is not accessible within Infor Go, even when accessible from the desktop version. The option is added for Type = Standard only, hence multi-panel worksheets or plansheets are not enabled for Infor Go.
This allows Infor to hide content which is only suitable for desktop viewing and enable content suitable for mobile. Customers can extend content for Infor Go by creating additional reports and enabling the Show in Mobile option.
Apart from Audit Log dashboard and My Jobs, other options within the Process menu are hidden in Infor Go. These menu areas are also hidden:
- Configuration
- Data Management
- Utilities
This ensures easier navigation and a more tailored experience on mobile.
The standard content for this release includes various sheets or reports with the Show in Mobile option set to On for these products, or modules:
- 17 SCV Datasheets, category "Dashboard" (available via the template:
- 2 Demand Planning worksheets (
- 1 Inventory Planning worksheet (
- 3 Supply Planning worksheets (
- 8 IBP Demand worksheets (
- 11 IBP Supply worksheets (
- 7 SCO Planning Engine plansheets (
- 1 Forecast Consumption plansheet (
These are available after loading the corresponding template, as noted above. There is currently no standard content available for Production Scheduling reports with the Show in Mobile option set to On, as preconfigured reports are not provided in the templates.
In most cases, these are specific mobile versions of worksheets or plansheets displaying data in a chart or KPI form, with the SCV Datasheets.
For cycle period worksheets the Data Context is not displayed in Infor Go and applies a users’ current content for that module.