Data Browser plansheet improvements in SCO

The navigation within the Data Browser multi-panel plansheet (SCO_7DataBrowser) in SCO is improved in this release. The panel links' definitions and general flow is made consistent to improve usability and display default values first, period (time-phased) imported values, and the plan values.

You can right-click on editable cells and click ’Open Detail’ for navigation. These general links are defined:

  • ClassList –> ClassGrid (Plan values: multiple resources) --> ClassView (Plan values: 1 resource)
  • ClassList --> Class* (Default values) --> Class (Bucket Defaults)

Not all classes have destination plansheets. For these cases, the user does not view an Open Detail menu option on right-click.

Note: This feature is available after loading the SCO template ( for this version. It is accessible to those users with existing access to Data Browser. A new role or privilege is not required to access this feature.