Running scripts

The new macro command RunScript is now available to run scripts. This is the structure for the command:
RunScript(Script Name, [Input Data Source], [Output Data Source], [Debug Flag])
  • Script Name: The script to run. This determines the data mappings to use and Python code to run.
  • Input Data Source: Input data source to read the input data as defined in the mapping definition of the script. Default input data source is the default "Internal SCV" defined for this SCP instance. Currently only data sources of type Internal SCV are supported as input data source.
  • Output Data Source: Output data source to write the output data as defined in the mapping definition of the script. Default output data source is the default "Internal SCV" defined for this SCP instance. Currently only data sources of type Internal SCV are supported as output data source.
  • Debug Flag: Indicates if additional logging is required for obtaining more information or to debug. Default value is False, where standard logging is returned by the script. If the value is set to True the script returns the additional logging detail attached to the script execution message.
Note: The optional Parameters are specified in [ ].