Organizing notes for a Playbook

A playbook is a collection of worksheet reports and the associated texts (notes) generated for a cycle period. These reports can be exported to another file format and used in presentations or meetings.

To organize notes for a playbook:

  1. Select Process > Cycle Period > Cycle Period Details.
  2. Click Playbook.
    Note: You must have the Cycle Period - Review Playbook (Process) permission to edit the playbook.
  3. Select Include in Playbook check box, to export the chapter as part of the playbook. Use the Move First, Move Up, Move Down, and Move Last options to change the order in which the chapters must be displayed in the playbook.
  4. Select a chapter and click Details.
  5. On the Playbook chapter page, click Edit.
  6. Select Include in Playbook check box, to export only the selected notes as part of the playbook. Use the Move First, Move Up, Move Down, and Move Last options to change the order in which the notes must be displayed in the playbook.
  7. Click Submit.