RunScript macro

The RunScript macro is used to run a script on a specified data source using the specified configuration to process data from SCV and generate output. The output is saved in the defined Data Source, for example SCV. This macro command is executed at system level.

For executing the macro, the value in the Command field must be specified in this format:

RunScript(Script Name, [Input Data Source], [Output Data Source], [Debug flag], [Timeout period])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters that are used to determine the script configuration and the scope of the execution process:

Parameter Name Description
Script Name The name of the script to run.
Note: This value determines the data mappings to use and Python code to run.
Input Data Source The name of the source from which the input data is read as defined in the mapping definition of the script. This is an optional parameter.
Note: If this value is not specified or Null, the default ‘Internal SCV’ defined for the application is considered.
Output Data Source The name of the source to which the output data is written as defined in the mapping definition of the script.
Note: If this value is not specified or Null, the default ‘Internal SCV’ is defined fir the application considered.
Debug flag The additional logging for retrieving more information or to debug.
  • If this value is not specified or Null, the script returns the standard logging.
  • If this value is specified, the additional logging detail is attached to the script execution message (Audit Log). This is used during implementation, script tuning, or debugging issues.
Timeout period The timeout period, in minutes, to stop the program, if it fails to complete within the specified timeout period.
Note: The default value is 15 minutes and the maximum duration is 180 minutes (3 hours).

This table lists the examples of the RunScript macro:

Requirement Syntax
Run ‘BOM Collapse’ passing all defaults. If not completed, stop the process after 15 minutes. RunScript("BOM Collapse","","","","")
Run ‘BOM Collapse’ using the input data source ‘Supply Chain Vault 01’. The specified data source is used to read all input data based on the mapping definition in the script configuration. The script output data is written to the default ‘Internal SCV’ defined for the application. If not completed, stop the process after 15 minutes. RunScript("BOM Collapse","Supply Chain Vault [01]","","","")
Run ‘BOM Collapse’ with Debug enabled. The additional logging detail collected during the script run must be attached as a log file to the resultant Audit Log entry. If not completed, stop the process after 15 minutes. RunScript("BOM Collapse","","","True","")
Run ‘BOM Collapse’ with Debug enabled. The additional logging detail collected during the script run must be attached as a log file to the resultant Audit Log entry. If not completed, stop the process after 5 minutes. RunScript("BOM Collapse","","","True","5")