Planning Engine process
These types of Planning Engines are available:
- Ad hoc: These planning engines are not associated with a cycle. You can create multiple ad hoc planning engines. The engines are always available, and the status is set to Running.
- Cycle: These planning engines allow multiple Planning Engines to be grouped together. The status of the Planning engines within a cycle can be Running, Master, Published, and Completed.
A Planning Engine Cycle includes one Master Planning Engine that holds the plan data which is expected to be published. You can create multiple copies of the Master Planning Engine as sandbox planning engines which are used to analyse different planning scenarios. The status of the sandbox planning engines is set to Running.
The Master Planning Engine, or optionally a Running Planning Engine is published at the end of a Planning Period and a new Master Planning Engine is created for the next period. The status of the published planning engine is set to Published and all other planning engines with Running or Master status are changed to Completed.
You can use the Planning Engine page to:
- Create a new planning engine
- Copy an existing planning engine
- Delete a planning engine
- Download a planning engine
- Upload a planning engine
- Modify the access granted to a planning engine
You can also run the Planning Engine process by:
- Executing workflows and macros
- Importing and Exporting data
- Promoting a Running Planning Engine to Master
- Creating the next Planning Engine