StartSCVBatch macro at system level

The StartSCVBatch macro is used to synchronize the execution of the macro steps included in the SCV batch using the specified Batch Name parameter. An SCV batch is a sequence of macro steps included in a macro between the StartSCVBatch and EndSCVBatch commands.

For executing the macro, the value in the Command field must be specified in this format:

StartSCVBatch( [Batch Name] )
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters used to run StartSCVBatch macro at system level:

Parameter Name Description
Batch Name The name of the SCV batch.
Note: An SCV batch can run with the same batch name, at a time.

This table lists the examples of the StartSCVBatch macro:

Example Syntax

Run the SCV outbound flow to export the scheduled orders from PS model ‘UK Brewery’ to M3.

The export process can be started from the UK brewery, at a time, only by one scheduler.

StartSCVBatch("UK Brewery")

Run the SCV inbound flow to import master data from M3 for all breweries.

The other PS models cannot import any data from M3, during the master data import.

Start an SCV Batch and explicitly end the batch at the end of the macro execution.

StartSCVBatch("UK Brewery")

do something useful


Start an SCV Batch and implicitly end the batch at the end of the macro execution.

StartSCVBatch("UK Brewery")

do something useful

Start an SCV Batch and explicitly end the batch in the middle of the macro execution.

StartSCVBatch("UK Brewery")

do something useful


do something else

Start and end two SCV Batches in the macro.

StartSCVBatch("UK Brewery")

do something useful


StartSCVBatch("NL Brewery")

do something else
