Panel Links tab

You can use the Panel Links tab, to add data for a multi-panel plansheet, to define the mapping for a panel.

You must specify this information on the Panel Links tab:

Source Panel
The source panel to which the panel links are applied.
Source Property
The property from the source plansheet that provides the detail link to the destination panel. The list is displayed based on the properties defined in the source plansheet(rv_ property_passed) parameter.
Note: The Panel Links list of properties is populated based on the specified Source Panel.
Destination Panel
The panel in which the destination plansheet is displayed, based on the action specified for the defined property in the source plansheet.
Open New Tab
If this check box is selected, the Destination plansheet is displayed on a new tab in the Destination Panel.
Pass Resource
If this check box is selected, the specified Resource is used in the selected destination plansheet instead of the resource specified in the destination plansheet.
Note: If this check box is cleared, the system uses the resource defined in the destination plansheet.

The resource text box is available only if Pass Resource is set to ON. This field must be filled with the resource to be passed to the destination panel.

Note: If Pass Resource is set to ON and the Resource is not populated, the cell's resource is passed
Pass Period
If this check box is selected, the period specified overrides the period selection specified in the destination plansheet.
Note: If this check box is cleared, the system uses the period defined in the destination plansheet.

The period text box is available only if Pass Period is set to ON. This field is populated with the period to pass to the destination panel.

If Pass Period is set to ON and Period is not populated, the cell's period is passed.

Pass Property
If this check box is selected, the property selection in the destination panel is overridden with the context (property cell selected) of the source plansheet.
Note: If this check box is cleared, the property defined in the destination plansheet is considered.
This field is populated with the property to pass to the destination panel.
  • This field is displayed only if Pass Property is set to ON.
  • If Pass Property is set to ON and Property is not populated, the cell's property is passed.