Validation and error messages

Validation is performed when you execute the CopyPlanningEngineNote macro. If an Error level validation fails, the macro execution is stopped, and the related error message is reported in the audit log.

This table lists the messages displayed for various validation failures:

Validation Condition Validation Message Validation Level
If the source Planning Engine Cycle does not exist. The source Planning Engine Cycle {0} cannot be found Error
If the source Planning Engine does not exist. The source Planning Engine {0} cannot be found Error
If the Note type does not exist. Note type "{0}" cannot be found. Error
If the Note type is not enabled. Note type "{0}" is not enabled. Error
If the Note Type is not in Log Format. Note type "{0}" is not of Format=Log. Error

If the Source Planning Engine Cycle and Source Planning Engine parameters are not populated.

Ensure the current planning Engine belongs to a Cycle.

Planning Engine {0} does not belong to a Cycle. Error
If the Source Planning Engine Cycle is populated, check for a published Planning Engine. Source Planning Engine Cycle {0} contains no published Planning Engines. No notes copied Warning
If the Source Planning Engine Cycle and Source Planning Engine parameters are not populated, check that the current Cycle contains a published Planning Engine. No previously published Planning Engine exists for cycle {0} No notes copied. Warning