Validation of SCV BOIs
Validation is performed when you create or modify a SCV BOI. If validation fails, the
related error message is displayed, and the specified data is not saved.
This table list the error messages displayed when validating an SCV BOIs:
Field | Validation Condition | Error Message |
Name | Checks if the value is unique. | Cannot save SCV BOI with name {0} because the name already exists. |
Name | Checks if populated. | Cannot save SCV BOI. Name is not specified. |
SCV Application | Checks if populated. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. SCV Application is not specified. |
Direction | Checks if populated. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. Direction is not specified. |
Direction | Checks for a valid value. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0} Direction {1} is invalid. Valid values are Import or Export. |
User Definition | Checks if populated when System is set to Off. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. User Definition is not specified. |
User Definition | Checks for valid XML syntax when User Definition is populated. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. The XML in User Definition cannot be resolved. Error: "{1}" |
System Definition | Checks if populated when System is set to On. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. System Definition is not specified. |
System Definition | Checks for valid XML syntax when System Definition is populated. | Cannot save SCV BOI {0}. The XML in System Definition cannot be resolved. Error: "{1}" |
Enabled | Checks for a valid value. | SCV BOI {0} has an incorrect Enabled flag. Valid values are true or false. |