Support location and customer supersession
Previously, the SCV data model only supported supersession at Item level. Now, the related data model in SCV is enhanced to handle supersession defined for item, location and/or customer levels.
These SCV entities have been modified to support location and customer supersession:
- ITEM_SUPERSESSION entity now includes new properties:
- new_location_id
- new_customer_id
- These Primary Key and Business Key constraints, are extended to include the new columns
new_location_id and new_customer_id in addition to the existing PK columns:
- This mapping is updated to consider the existing property where the new property is not
- These validation rules are updated to include conditions where new_location_id and
new_customer_id may be NULL:
- BASE ITMSUPSES FK Item-Location New
- BASE ITMSUPSES FK NewItem-Location New
- These hierarchy tables linked to ITEM_SUPERSESSION are updated to map values from the
existing location and customer fields to the new_location_id and new_custtomer_id fields,
respectively, where the fields are not populated:
The Demand supersession content is also extended to support location and customer supersession, with related configuration updated to use new SCV properties and apply these to the standard supersession process.
Changes to the standard Demand content includes these updates:
- The "DPLS - Supersession" code list is updated to include the NewLocation (New Customer) attribute.
- The "DPLS - SCV - Import DPLS_Supersession links" Interface service has an updated query with new mappings for the New Customer - new_location attribute to the new SCV columns, respectively.
- The "Generate Supersession" macro is updated to map the NewLocation code list attribute in the Successor Location Attribute macro parameter.
The process now supports changeover related to 1, 2 or 3 elements of an item-location-customer combination in each supersession record. If only item supersession is required, based on previous releases, map the same location and customer to the new location or new customer properties in SCV.For example, populate new_location_id with location_id in the Inbox.
This feature is enabled after appending the base template ( and the demand planning template ( for this version. Existing data in the SC_ITEM_SUPERSESSION SCV core table is transferred to Demand Planning, based on the previous pattern.
Although the primary key of the ITEM_SUPERSESSION tables have changed, it is still possible to leave the new columns (i.e. new_location_id or new_customer_id) empty when the data is being imported through SCV Inbox. In this case, the values from the location_id columns and customer_id are copied. This allows existing integrations that import supersession data to continue working. However, when the data is manually specified through the User Data tables using SCV datasheets, two new columns are expected.