Validate user data in Planning Configuration tables
The user data that is specified manually in the Planning Configuration tables can now be
These changes have been applied in SCV:
- Update the synchronization program to ensure that Planning Configuration tables and Inbox tables have the same structure.
- Extend all master data entities to include Planning Configuration tables as well as Inbox and Core tables.
- Re-synchronize all the existing entity definitions so that the missing columns in the Planning Configuration tables are created.
- Register all the new Planning Configuration tables created for master data.
- Create constraints on the new Planning Configuration tables, the constraints must be same as on the corresponding Inbox tables.
- Create validation rules on the new Planning Configuration tables, the validation rules must be same as on the corresponding Inbox tables.
- Update EXECUTE_VALIDATION program to accept the new INCLUDE_USER_DATA parameter, to validate the corresponding Planning Configuration table when validating an Inbox table.
- Update these macros to set the value for the INCLUDE_USER_DATA = "Y" parameter:
- SCV - Validate Inbox All
- SCV - Validate Inbox Master
- SCV - Validate Inbox Transactional
- SCV - Validate Inbox Demand Master
- SCV - Validate Inbox Demand Transactional
- SCV - Validate Inbox Supply Master
- SCV - Validate Inbox Supply Transactional
- Update the EXECUTE_TRANSFER program to include only valid user data records during the Inbox -> Core transfers
Note: By default, this feature is enabled and no additional role or privilege is required to
access this feature.