Import effective dates for customer prices at item level

In M3, it is possible to specify effective dates for sales/customer price lists at header level and line level (that is item level). However, SCV PRICE_LIST* entities, previously supported effective date only at header level. Effective date is now added to price list lines in SCV.

This staging table is updated to add new column VFDT:

  • ST_M3_IN_OIS017MI_LstBasePrice

This view is updated to map VFDT to line_effective_date:


This mapping is updated to change mapping source of effective_from_date to line_effective_from_date:


These constraints are updated to include line_effective_from_date:


The PRICE_LIST_LINE_BREAK child entity and all related configuration (such as constraints, mappings, and datasheets) is updated to include the same new column line_effective_from_date.

This feature is enabled after appending the base for m3 template (base for for this version. No additional role or privilege is required to access this feature.