New SCV program to split planned orders
The program splits the planned orders using the max order quantity specified at item-sourcing level, if available, else at item-warehouse level. All newly generated orders after the split have the same planned date; only the planned order quantity is updated. The new SCP_MAX_SPLIT_NUMBER_PER_ORDER SCV configuration parameter is used to limit the number of generated orders after split. When the maximum number is reached, the last split order receives all remaining quantity.
A sequence number is assigned to each generated order after the split. The SCP Order Number in the generated orders has the sequence number appended to the number as suffix. The original order receives “0000” as sequence number.
This new SCV program is now available:
This new macro has been added to execute the new program:
- SCV - Split SCP Plan Order Quantity (Plan Entities)
The macro is executed only when Business Plans are enabled (that is when application variable scv_use_business_plans_for_outbound = 1).
These new application variables have been added to conditional splitting of the planned orders in standard plan tables:
- scv_use_order_split_process_production_plan
- scv_use_order_split_process_purchase_plan
- scv_use_order_split_process_transfer_plan
Default value is 0 for all variables; that is split program is not executed by default. In the macro, these variables are used to control the splitting of planned orders in the SC_PRODUCTION_PLAN, SC_PURCHASE_PLAN and SC_TRANSFER_PLAN standard Core plan tables, respectively.
These new application variables have been added to conditional splitting of the planned orders in custom plan tables:
- scv_use_order_split_process_custom_plan
- scv_use_order_split_process_custom_table
Default value is 0 for the first variable and SC_PURCHASE_PLAN for the second variable. In the macro, the first variable is used to control the splitting of planned orders in one custom Core plan table as specified by the second variable.
In addition, these SCV entities have been extended (together with the corresponding datasheets) to enable users for overriding the imported maximum order quantity constraints: