Static projected stock and cover
Before enabling this feature, consider that any manual changes to fixed orders in the supply plan, either adding, editing (quantity or date) or deleting orders may not be reflected in the start stock, end stock or cover values until a resolve of the plan in the optimization engine; using the macro: Supply - Solve Scenario Optimization. Additional changes to inventory data from SCV using the integration, for example a new available inventory (stock on hand) quantity must be reflected in the plan using the Solve option in the optimization engine; through macro: Supply - Solve Scenario Optimization.
This spls_import_static_end_stocks (Use the imported End Stock values rather than dynamic calculated End Stocks) application variable is added to control the export of stock values back from the SCO engine.
The application variable Default Value = 0, maintaining the existing behavior on upgrade.
The SPLS-StaticStock (Supply Tag for Imported EndStocks) tag is added to links for new calculations to a cycle using imported projected stock and cover.
The configuration of the Tag and application variable must be aligned, either use imported (static) projected stock values or dynamic calculated stock to ensure correct behavior.
These calculation rules are added effectively to override the standard dynamic stock and cover calculations, to use stored values:
- 80195_SPLS_END_STOCK (End Stock) - use stored value, returned from SCO
- 80324_SPLS_STOCK_COVER (Days Cover) - _SUM / _COUNT
- 80325_SPLS_STOCK_COVER_SUM (Sum of Days Cover) – use value returned from SCO (weeks cover) * 7
- 80565_SPLS_END_STOCK_SU (End Stock in storage units) - use stored value, returned from SCO
- 111105_SPLS_END_STOCK_WIP (End Stock WIP) - use stored value, returned from SCO
- 111125_SPLS_END_STOCK_WIP_SU (WIP End Stock in storage units) – End Stock WIP / Units Per Storage Unit
All calculation rules are tagged as ‘Supply Tag for Imported EndStocks’.
This interface is added to export projected stock positions from SCO to Supply Planning:
- SPLS - AP -Import End Stock Plan
The macro Supply - Solver Scenario Optimization is updated to execute the interface, based on the spls_import_static_end_stocks = ‘1’ condition.
This feature is available after appending the supply planning template ( for this version. Customers can enable the new process by setting the spls_import_static_end_stocks (Use the imported End Stock values rather than dynamic calculated End Stocks) application variable to 1 and adding the tag to the appropriate Supply Planning cycle definitions.