History replacement engine
The engine accepts input history and generates a separate replacement history output for the defined replacement periods. This can be reviewed and applied permanently as the demand history for forecasting.
Seven techniques (algorithms) are available to calculate the replacement history:
- BATS: Forecast the replacement periods with BATS, using the history data (before the derived period start index).
- Linear interpolation: Forecast the replacement periods with linear interpolation, using the history from before the derived period start index.
- Offset Forecasts: The offset forecast value is applicable for the same period and all replacement periods, using values in the measure mapped to Offset Forecast.
- Simple Mean: The mean of history from before the derived period start index is selected and this value is used for all replacement periods.
- Simple Naive: The previous (most recent) history point value before the derived period start index is considered and this value is used for all replacement periods.
- Simple Past Year: The history value is considered from the same period last year, one Periodicity ago.
- Simple User-defined: The specified value is applicable in the measure mapped to User-defined value and this value is used for all replacement periods.
Standard Demand Planning content is updated to support this functionality. Standard engine configuration is added to each of the 7 techniques for periodicity levels of Cmonths (Calendar Months), Months and Weeks.
These measures are added:
- History Replacement End Date: COUNT and SUM versions are included with related calculation rules to display an average (SUM/COUNT) for aggregate combinations.
- History Replacement Start Date: COUNT and SUM versions are included with related calculation rules to display an average (SUM/COUNT) for aggregate combinations.
- History Replacement User Value
- Replacement History
These macros are added:
- Copy Replaced History to History and Refresh Adjusted Demand Total: –This process is executed to apply the output replacement history, overwriting the history units and adjusted demand total, used for forecasting; for all items.
- Copy Replaced History (for context) to History and Refresh Adjusted Demand Total: This process is executed to apply the output replacement history, overwriting the history units and adjusted demand total, used for forecasting; for the current worksheet context.
- Generate Replacement History Default engine
- Generate Replacement History Default engine (context)
This macro is updated:
- Import Demand Plan from SCV: Copy forward History Replacement End Date, History Replacement Start Date, History Replacement User Value and Replacement History measures from the previous cycle period.
This application variable is added to define the default history replacement engine, when called from macro:
- dpls_default_hist_replace_engine (Which History Replacement Engine to use as the default for Demand). Default = 51 HR BATS M (History Replacement BATS Months)
These application variables are updated:
- dpls_demand_mgr_macro3 (Macro shortcut option three on Demand Manager Workbench). Default = DPLS_Replace Hist Default - Context (Generate Replacement History Default engine (context))
- dpls_demand_mgr_macro4 (Macro shortcut option four on Demand Manager Workbench). Default = DPLS_Copy Replaced History to History - Context (Copy Replaced History (for context) to History and Refresh Adjusted Demand Total)
The standard worksheet Product at Locations two is added to maintain the replacement dates and the user value. The panel is added to the ’9. Maintenance’ multi-panel.
These worksheets are updated:
- History Edit Table (CM), History Edit Table (D), History Edit Table (M), History Edit
Table (Var), History Edit Table (W):
- Added Replacement History measure.
- Added macro option shortcut: Copied Replaced History (for context) to History and Refresh Adjusted Demand Total
- Forecast Graph (Var): Added Replacement History measure. Off in the chart legend, by default. Used in Demand Essentials workbenches.
The replacement engines are also available to execute for the current context from these existing forecast options, when enabled for the worksheet:
- Fit Forecast using default engine
- Fit Forecast with options
This means the analysis and replacement of demand history is done at base item and location levels.
The new engine type is accessible after upgrade. The updated content is accessible after appending the demand planning template (dpls.zip) for the current version. No additional role or privilege is required to access this feature.
The standard history replacement engines and related macros are accessible to these roles:
- Demand Essentials Administrator
- Demand Essentials Demand Manager - Key Forecaster
- Demand Planning Administrator user in the Demand module
- Demand Planning Main System Administrator