Copy macro improvements for Market Intelligence and Transactional Data measures
These macro commands are enhanced to support Market Intelligence and Transactional Data measures as the source data to be copied:
- CopyCyclePeriodData
- CopyLastPeriodMeasure
- CopyScenarioData
These validation rules are applicable:
- Copy from a source MI measure to a destination MI measure.
- Copy from a source MI measure to a standard measure. This results in the measure values only being copied.
- Unable to copy from a source measure which is not of type MI measure to a MI measure.
- Copy from any source transactional data (of type transfer) to any destination transactional data (of type transfer).
- Copy from any source transactional data (of type transfer) to any standard measure. This results in the measure values only being copied.
- Copy from a source measure which is not of type transactional data to a transactional data measure.
In this example, a Standard measure is a scenario value measure which is not a part of Market Intelligence or Transactional Data type.
Note: By default, this feature is enabled. No additional role or privilege is required to access
this feature.